Our ministries.

Opportunities to connect with others and to grow in your walk and faith.


International Outreach

Our church is family. We come from many different parts of the world, but we are united in our worship of Christ. Sunday morning our Worship Services are translated into various languages so that the message may be heard in heart languages. Additionally we offer a special Worship Service once a month on the third Friday, which is multi-language.

Men's Ministry

Currently men meet at Trinity on Thursday evenings to study Explore the Bible. Our men (and their interested boys) meet the first Saturday of the month for a prayer breakfast. There are also events scheduled throughout the year as a fun way to connect in fellowship. A beloved yearly event is our annual winter ski trip to Lenk, Switzerland for the IBC Men’s Conference, where men and boys 10+ have the opportunity to ski, snowboard, hike and worship.

Women's Ministry

Tuesday evenings the ladies gather together in a home to study the Bible together. There are also periodic fellowship events for ladies to encourage and connect with one another. Our ladies also participate in the IBC Women’s Conference, which varies in location each year. Join us this summer as we begin a Summer Reading Challenge!

Youth Ministry (6-12th grade)

Trinity Youth meet regularly for Bible study (join us Wednesday nights), as well as at various times throughout the year for events. The highlight of the year is the annual summer camp experience at EuroVenture in the Swiss Alps of Grindelwald, Switzerland.

Vacation Bible School

Children who have completed Kindergarten-5th grade are invited to join us for Breaker Rock Beach VBS July 15-19th! Although this is an English language program there will be Ukrainian and German translators for non-English speakers. Pre-registration is available by clicking on the following link: https://form.jotform.com/240732819673362