Trinity Baptist Church Metterich

Your local church located between Spangdahlem and Bitburg in the heart of the Eifel

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. To this end I toil, struggling with all his energy, that he powerfully works within me.” - Colossians 1:28-29.

We are committed to teaching God’s Word and to developing disciples.

It is our desire to see you grow mightily in your personal walk with the Lord, to grow deeper in your love for Him and for others, and to develop and use the gift or blend of gifts the Lord has given you. We believe that God’s Word is completely inspired, completely true, completely authoritative, without error, and completely relevant and applicable to all areas of life. Also, as Scripture teaches, we believe that the church is a body with many parts, each part totally dependent on the others. This understanding expresses itself in worshiping together corporately, loving each other, meeting each other’s needs, encouraging each other, and working together to make disciples.

Our church consists of members from differing nationalities. Our services are offered primarily in English; however, there are members available to help with translation depending on the language you speak. Also, the pastor and his family speak German and are available to help you. Above all, we want to ensure that nothing hinders you from coming to worship. Let us know what your needs are, and we’ll do our best to accommodate!

We’re excited to share that Breaker Rock Beach VBS will be 15-19 July, 2024. For children who have completed K-5th grades. Although this program is in English, there will be Ukrainian and German translators for our non-English speakers. For more information on registering your child, please visit register by using the link here:

God's Truth Never Changes

God's Truth Never Changes ◎